Closing the Bones
The mother’s body, as a reflection of our society, is devoid of rituals. Rituals are symbolic acts that convey and represent values, they make the world a "reliable place" and make time fit to live in, they stabilize life.
From pre-conception, the woman finds an openness within herself, which allows her to fulfil herself as a receptacle. This space occurs at various levels, subtle and deep, physical and emotional. After birth, her body requires closing. Closing the bones, during or after the post-partum stage, allows the mother to be grateful and honour the experience of co-creation, to celebrate her womb as a shelter place, to gradually integrate the fragility/vulnerability that this openness entails, to outline new boundaries and fabrics for the soul, and to rediscover her own “Me” by closing herself.
The closing of the bones is thus a ritual practice that celebrates the cyclical nature of life, honouring and recognizing the transition/entry/initiation into motherhood. The use of water, medicinal herbs, oils and cloths, helps this ritual of care, lap, presence, listening, celebration, honouring the mother who allows another being to live in her.
For mothers after childbirth, whether natural birth or C-section, after abortion/pregnancy loss or adoption...throughout the postpartum period or a few years later, the uterus still pulsing as it recalls the experience of childbirth.
Charged amount
2-hour session - 60 €