I usually claim that pregnant women should not read books about pregnancy and birth. Their time is too precious. They should, rather, watch the moon and sing to their baby in the womb. Michel Odent
"Through soul-searching and listening more deeply to the women I was working with, I finally understood that women have to prepare for birth in their heart and soul, not their head. And that giving birth is something a woman does in her body not in her head". Pam England em “Birthing from within”.
I chose these two quotes as they illustrate how I regard my role as a doula, helping me to outline and recall the philosophy underlying this role. In each meeting with the mother/couple, I feel the need to empty my own ego in order to (re)connect, to be with others respectfully, in a process of common growth, free from any judgement, criticism, fear or blame. I consider pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum as stages that allow for involution, which, however, we can only achieve through personal, informative and above all soul-searching efforts.
If you would like further information on specific services provided during pregnancy, please contact me. I will share an overview that consists of a flexible thematic structure that may be adjusted to each couple’s own situation. This proposal is a mere example of an issue that can be dealt with and addressed in meetings.
It is up to the couple to schedule when follow-up meetings take place, please make the appointment at least one week in advance.
1 face-to-face* or online meeting, ideally lasting 2 hours - 60 €
*Every meeting outside the city entails a fuel and toll fee (0.35 € /km plus toll, where applicable).